Internal accounts and external accounts are the two main categories of financial accounts. Both types of accounts are necessary for most businesses and associations so that financial progress can be examined and acted upon.
We can assist you with the following financial accounting services:Compliance with the Corporations Act is very important for your business to operate efficiently and effectively. The legislation requires businesses to perform numerous administrative tasks which sometimes can be stressful for the business owner. Schubert, Gray and Associates can relieve you from possible threat of penalties from failing to keep up with the changing rules and compliance.
Our company secretarial services include:Asset protection is extremely important and can be easily achieved with the correct advice. It requires a range of strategies to protect our clients assets from unforseen events. Asset protection consists of methods available to protect assets from liabilities arising elsewhere. It is the concept of protecting and preserving one's assets from frivolous, illogical, ill-motivated, more often than not, devastating catastrophic claims against wealth, designed to destroy your current and future lifestyle. In short, they want what you've got and they want to inflict maximum pain.
We can assist our clients with establishing an effective asset protection plan by: